Fenri - Animated Character (Mobile Adventure)

Alternate seated idle

An animation developed to test hardware limitations on mobile + performance

Seated idle

Standing idle

Walking on-fours

Walking upright

Creeping to upright

Walk blend

Running on-fours

Running upright

Run blend

This animated character was developed as a mascot for The Riddle Room's escape adventure game.
40k tris + fur instancing. XFur instancing is driven by the underlying geometry of the initial LOD0 mesh, the lowest LOD is roughly 8k tris and is well hidden by reduced fur at max distance.

The rig features a full IK/FK switch rig in blender, facial rig, and blendshapes for phonemes/ visemes.

There is a walk/run cycle for both upright and four-legged stances, which blend seamlessly with each other.

The typical camera view is from roughly 3/4 and above, though closeups occur during dialog. It was important to me to balance the visual fidelity with respect to performance and battery life, so it does cull features and excess geometry as the camera approaches its maximum.

Responsible for all aspect of the character from conceptualization to final result as shown, with help from the XFur third-party asset.