Giant Enchanted Forest (URP)

Vines all over

Vines all over

Video Playthrough

Bioluminescent mushroom assets, sculpted in zbrush

Bioluminescent mushroom assets, sculpted in zbrush

A ruined bridge

A ruined bridge

Glowing Portal VFX

Glowing Portal VFX

The Corrupted Magic Garden

The Corrupted Magic Garden

During my time with the Riddle Room, I designed, balanced, and optimized this Giant Enchanted Forest environment, including creating original artwork (models, materials, and set dressing), lighting, visual effects, and post, for this minigame. I also created the UI, and bat behavior, derived from Unity's tutorial on Boids and loosely inspired by the Gummi-ship minigame from Kingdom Hearts. Created with Unity 2022 and the Universal Render Pipeline. Not responsible for the flying, which has also been simplified for demonstration purposes.

Though the project was suspended, the team plans to continue development on the experience as soon as we are able. To be continued and expanded on in future pieces...